Flavors For Life (FFL) Next-Gen is an educational program that focuses on students currently enrolled in culinary classes.


To create the next generation of chefs motivated to offer and be the visionaries behind delicious and healthy restaurant menus



To empower culinary students to cultivate healthy lifestyles

FFL focuses on 2 major behavioral changes to combat the obesity epidemic:

Decrease the use of ingredients high in fat, sugar, and sodium in their recipes

Increase the use of ingredients high in fiber and nutrients

America is #1 in the world in obesity among adults and children. Some recognized factors contributing to this epidemic seem directly proportional to society’s shifts and heavy reliance on the fast food industry and processed foods. Even though many restaurants have tried to address healthy eating concerns, there remains a lack of healthy alternatives within most restaurant menus.

Educating the next generation of culinary students on healthy cooking and eating is a critical part of changing America’s food culture. With the right information, culinary students can creatively provide a vision for healthy delicious food. This program develops the next generation of healthy chefs motivated to create and offer healthy menus by educating culinary students.

FFL Program Goals:

Short-term: To gain knowledge and practice the skills to implement healthy cooking habits

Mid-term: To be actively engaged in creating new recipes with health as their primary focus

Long-term: To become chefs who place nutrition as a key component in recipe development and cooking style

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